American Botanical Council (ABC)

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Get Started

Since its founding in 1988, the American Botanical Council (ABC) has been a leader in educating consumers, healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, industry, and media on the safe and effective use of herbs and medicinal plants. Rick first collaborated with ABC in 1989, implementing their initial accounting system and pioneering their client-server computer network. As ABC expanded, so did its IT needs, evolving into a robust, multifaceted website that integrates various functionalities, including a Constituent database, payment gateway, password-protected content, syndicated library resources, e-commerce, and email.Today, Rick and his son, Joseph, continue to play pivotal roles within the organization. Through Corsair USA, they oversee all aspects of ABC’s IT infrastructure, essentially serving as ABC’s virtual CTO and CIO.
Services & Support:
- Cybersecurity
- Managed IT Services (Remote monitoring, management, patching, and desktop support)
- VMware Virtualization
- On-premise Server Support
- Microsoft Active Directory Support
- SAGE 100 Accounting Software Support
- Cisco Meraki Firewall & Wireless Solutions
- VoIP Communications
- Website Development, Management & Support
- Office365 and Azure cloud infrastructure hosting